Sue Cattell — Nov 7, 2019

Today is a special day in our calendar as our students spend time sharing their learning with their parents in a student-led conference. They are the star of their learning journey as they talk about what they are doing and the progress they have made. There is a lovely buzz in the school, and in talking with some parents and students this morning, many have commented how great it is that the conferences are being held during the day when the children (and them) are fresh and not tired after a day at school. And while some students are great communicators on a daily basis, others are not. This time is allocated for them to specifically hear from their child about what they are learning.

What has struck me as I walk around the school today, is how amazing the students are at talking about their learning, how articulate they are about their next steps and how they are going to achieve them. They are so proud to share this with their parents. One teacher spoke to me of a student who softly sang a waiata she had been learning and another recited a karakia and read out pieces of writing he had carefully selected from across the last term. Parents are really encouraging of their child, saying things like "This is amazing - look at how much progress you have made this year, your writing has become so much more detailed and descriptive." And another, "I'm so proud of you - I am really impressed you have so much to talk about when you usually don’t tell me much about your learning.” Thank you to you all for committing to this important time with your child.

We love to hear of the success of our students, both while they are in our school and beyond. This week we were excited to hear that an ex-student of Milford School has been awarded Dux of their school. Congratulations to Wynton Brick, and his family, for this outstanding achievement at Rosmini College.

Next Friday, our dedicated enviro group are holding a fair-trade event at school. One of their aims is to raise awareness of fair trade and why we need to buy these products. There is a raffle, smoothies and muffins for sale. This will run from 1.30 – 3.30pm. See you there!

This week a group of our children entered the Harbour Primary Schools Gymnastics competition and came away with some fantastic results and medals! More details to come in the next newsletter!

A reminder that, with only five school weeks left of the year, it is important that you check the school calendar in this newsletter and on the website, for all those important need-to-know dates. I hope you have all put Friday 13 December in your calendars for our annual Festival of Song. We would like the children here at 5pm for a 5.30pm start please.

The PTA would like to thank all the helpers at the recent disco – such a fun night! Also, the final PTA meeting of the year is on Wednesday 27th November at 7pm, all welcome.

A reminder too, that the old school app is no longer in use. Please download the Skool Loop App, select Milford School, and you are good to go.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Ngā mihi nui

Sue Cattell
