Sara Baker — Nov 6, 2019

Our learners have been looking into the Learner Profile Attributes this year. We are all unique, so each attribute means something a little bit different to each of us. The learners in Years 1 to 6 have come to tell me what the Learner Profile Attributes mean to them!

Inquirer - “An inquirer is when you actually don’t give up learning! You help
people with their learning when they don’t know what to do. An inquirer never stops learning. You find out different things every day and you learn how to learn! You can read books, you can listen to other people and the radio, you can use the internet, your iPad or computer or phone and TV. You ask lots of questions! It means you have a love of learning.” 
Knowledgeable - “Knowledgeable means you know lots, but you keep trying to learn new ideas, like in maths and reading. You don’t give up! 
“When you are knowledgeable, you have to understand what you are learning!” 