Michelle Clark — Feb 16, 2021

I would like to remind all parents and members of our school community about the recycling options that we have at Milford School alongside our kerbside recycling bins.For many years we have been a part of the Terracycle Recycling Brigade.

Milford School offers both oral care and writing implements recycling. We receive credits through our recycling efforts that we can use to buy their recycled products such as watering cans, wheelbarrows and benches.The accepted waste products for oral care are shown above and can be of any brand. These are items that are usually sent straight to landfill and are highly consumable. We encourage you and your family to collect up these products at the end of their use and send them to school with your child for us to recycle.

The Writing Implements Recycling is a new initiative that Milford School signed up to last year. The accepted products are shown above, these can be any brand of pen, highlighter, marker, felt tip and mechanical pencil. I am sure that you could gather up many dried-out or used-up pens from desks around your home and office and send these in with your child to assist us to rid our landfill of these products.

In addition to these Terracycle recycling initiatives, Milford School have also teamed up with Ecostore to become a collection point for their own brand sugar-plastic bottles. Made entirely from sugarcane products, Ecostore collects and recycles their own bottles & laundry scoops for their reuse. If you or your family members use Ecostore products at home, please give them a light rinse once finished and send them into school with your child. All shapes of bottles are recyclable, but they must be Ecostore.

Milford School is doing what we can to reduce our contribution to landfill, please encourage your family and friends to assist us in our mission. Every piece collected is one less that we add to landfill.
Thank you for your efforts