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Maths Week

Jessica Han —

It is NZ Maths Week next week! Although we celebrate Maths on a daily basis, this week is extra special as it is all about recognising how maths is EVERYWHERE!

As a school, we will be involved in lots of activities to focus on Maths. The website, www.mathsweek.org.nz has lots of fun activities and competitions to celebrate the week. There are also many great things you could be doing at home to help celebrate Maths Week with your children.

These are some links to a few fantastic resources that the Ministry of Education has put out to help you and your child at home.


Going places

Playing Games


Watching Sport Together

There's also a folder containing printable at-home activities for different year levels. Try a few with your children at home.

We encourage all whanau to have Maths discussions at home and look at ways to represent Maths as part of everyday life! The possibilities are endless!