Louise Lavulo — Aug 6, 2019

Some of the students have been trying out speed stacking/sport stacking during their PE lessons and we have even made some available to use during the breaks that children can issue from The Dollhouse (the PE shed for the students in the breaks).

Speed stacking involves balance, coordination, timing, using both the left & right side of their brains and bodies. We have discussed in the lessons that our brain has a favourite side of the body (dominant hand & foot) and that it is important for our mental & sporting capacity to utilise both sides. 

There is a Sport Stacking club that gets together at times on Sundays and they are currently looking at alternative venues across Auckland; for further information, please contact Tanya tanya@speedstacks.co.nz

Here is a clip from 'The crowd goes wild' to demonstrate the speed that children could strive for.

If you are interested in purchasing some Speed Stacks for your child, you can get them from https://www.speedstacks.co.nz/ and you can get a 10% discount if you enter the code 'MILFORD'