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Principal’s Message

Sue Cattell —

Kia ora koutou katoa. Today’s newsletter comes to you as we await the update on the Covid-19 current situation. While these are uncertain times, I do encourage you to be calm and positive, especially around your children. As soon as we know how schools will operate from Monday, I will be updating you all. The Secretary of Education, Iona Holsted, has been emailing Principals over the past few days with possible scenarios and I do want to assure you that we are prepared for any of these options. If distance learning is required, our teachers have met and discussed what this will be. Our zoom skills have kicked in once again!

On another note, this week is Maths Week. Although we only had two days at school, the maths buzz around the school was inspiring. I hope the students have continued this at home, and have involved you in various learning activities. Having online platforms such as Mathletics and Maths Whizz really support maths learning that is personalised for each student, and I hope they are also utilising it at home.

I have had a few emails about the Year 2 assembly that was due to be held today and obviously isn’t now. We will certainly hold this as soon as we are able to have assemblies again. I know how much time and effort has gone into preparing for this from the Year 2 team, and how much many of you were looking forward to seeing it.

Take care everyone.

Ngā manaakitanga

Sue Cattell
