Scott Polkinghorne — Mar 31, 2022

Last week Monday, during Auckland’s record rainfall, the Year 6’s were arriving at school with their luggage ready to head off on their Year 6 camp at Carey Park. Loading the buses was a challenge and added to the excitement. Once we arrived the weather settled and we were able to get started with the activities.

For some, these activities were very challenging. While for others they were just good fun! It is always great to see new relationships develop, new leaders stand up, independence grow, students overcoming fears, ranging from a fear of heights, sleeping away from home and trying new food.

We had an amazing group of parents who stayed overnight for the full week, I am not sure who enjoyed camp more…the parents or the students. On behalf of the students and the school, a huge thank you for your time and enthusiasm at camp. Also a special mention to all the day helpers who travelled out to help run the activities, you are greatly appreciated.

Below, you will see some student perspectives on camp. Enjoy!

Camp was by far my favourite experience at school. It was packed with fun, yet challenging opportunities and activities. It has also been a good way to make new friends and get to know other people. We weren’t always with our friends, but everyone enjoyed the activities too much to mind. I have to add this in too- the food was amazing! Even though a lot of the activities were outside my comfort zone, I still loved doing them all.
Grace Room 2
Camp was one of the best experiences of my life. It helped me overcome my fears and encouraged me to try everything. It had amazing activities, nice instructors, encouraging parents and hard working teachers to name a few. We had responsibilities as well as fun activities, and some awesome options to choose from. I had some anxious moments, but it was gone once I tried it. Camp has taught me a lot and I will never forget it.
Esther Room 2
My favourite activity at camp was the freezing cold waterhole. We had to swim across to get to the other side. The slide went so fast! For me the most challenging activity was eating a raw onion during the Camp Wide Relay, it actually tasted pretty good. I remember the first night, we kept Mr Polkinghorne up late. Also doing backflips on the trampoline with my friends was awesome.
Ian Room 3
Camp was super fun. I liked all of the activities, but my favourite was the flying fox and archery. The Burma trail was also very cool and I liked the waterhole, I will never forget going down that slide. Every night was awesome because we stayed up really late. The food was very tasty and having dessert every night was awesome too!
Caleb Room 3
As I arrived at Carey Park on that wet, cold Monday morning. I couldn’t wait for the fun to begin. My favourite activity happened on Tuesday, my accuracy on air rifles wasn’t very good, but when I got to archery I couldn’t miss. The most challenging activity was crate stacking. The higher you got the wobblier it became. I eventually fell on the 13th crate. Camp was one of the best weeks I have ever had.
Seth Room 3
At camp the food was absolutely delicious, trust me you would love it too! The air rifles is one of the most exciting activities at camp. Rainbow tag was good fun, especially tipping cold water on the parents. Cleaning the boys toilets was pretty challenging because some boys don’t know how to aim! But apart from that camp was awesome!
Liam Room 3