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Worm Wee For Sale!

Admin —

Did you know the gardening club produces worm wee from the school worm farms, which is for sale outside the hall on assembly days, or from the school office?

What is Worm wee? (also known as worm juice or worm tea)

Worm Juice, often referred to  as ‘liquid gold’, is a magical elixir that provides billions of good microbes such as fungi, and helpful, nitrogen-fixing bacteria to your plants and veggies. You don’t see these good microbes in synthetic liquid fertilisers, so nothing beats this recipe from mother nature. If you use your kitchen scraps to feed your worms you are returning all those extra nutrients into your soil in exactly the right balance as you are harvesting. Win, win, win!

Support the gardening club and get yours today for on $1.

Remember to dilute it though. A little goes a long way! 10mls to each litre of water and water your plants as normal.