Hero photograph


Eugenie Middleton —

In music this term, we have been linking with the Central Ideas of what is happening in the various year-level classrooms. This is one of the amazing things about teaching through IB PYP! For example, in year one, we have been focussing on teaching the elements of music through emotions and feelings as part of the unit - "How We Express Ourselves." They have been looking at the Inside Out characters in class, and so have we!

The Year 5 and 6 students have linked in with this too as part of their "How We Express Oursleves" unit. They have been looking at flim music and seeing how important music is for helping us feel different emotions when we watch films. You might find these youtube clips really interesting yourselves!!

Different music to Back to the Future

How music effects film - Lion King

Power of Music and Film

They are currently composing music for an emotion linked to the Inside Out characters - either sadness, joy, fear, anger or disgust. They are transferring their musical knowledge of playing the xylophone, different pentatonic scales, ostinato, bordurn and how to organise themselves in a group to compose pieces. They will perform these to the Year 1 students and they will try and guess their emotions!! A very transdisciplinary and multi-leveled unit of inquiry!