Hero photograph


Eugenie Middleton —

Many of the music groups are going to be starting up over the next few weeks. The timetable below is an indication of the music groups available at Milford School. Most of them are taught on Fridays with a few lunchtime groups.

Friday -

8.30 - 9.30 - School Orchestra (Y2-6)

9.30 - Year 6 Xylophone

10.15 - Junior Kapa Haka1

1.00 - Year 5 Xylophone

11.45 - Recorder extension (must have learnt recorder for at least one year.

12.00 - Year 4 - 6 Choir

12.45 - String extension (grade 5 plus)

1.30 - Beginner Ukulele (Y3 - Y6)

1.55 - Advanced Ukulele

1.15 - 2.15 - Senior Kapa Haka (Ms Campbell) (Yr 4- Yr 6)

Rock band - Wednesday lunchtime (Yr 5 - Yr 6)

Here is the process the children follow to sign up for groups:

  1.  Read the daily notices where the sign-up times will be.
  2.  Ms Middleton will write down the names of interested students.
  3.  From there Hero groups are made so information is shared through this communication tool.
  4. The children come along to their groups and a roll is marked in all groups apart from Orchestra (it is too big and takes too long).
  5. Children that don't attend multiple rehearsals can no longer be in the group.

HOWEVER, once the groups are settled and established (by mid Term One), the children are committed to the group for the year as we prepare for our performance opportunities.

As you can see, there are many groups, so there will be staggered start dates as I get them organised over the next few Fridays. 

Ngā mihi

Eugenie Middleton (Head of Music)