Principal’s Message
Kia ora koutou katoa. You are amazing!! We sold an incredible number of books at the Book Fair last week, just over $8000 worth. This means that our Library has an extra $2800 of vouchers coming its way. Our Librarian uses these vouchers to purchase books for the Library, and that’s a lot of books. So again, thank you!!
Today is a mufti day, an idea of our Enviro group who want to create a new area in the school, and have decided to raise money to go towards it. Thank you to all who have supported this by bringing a gold coin (and in some cases, more). They are busily planning what this underused area will look like, great action! They have counted around $700 so far this morning – thank you!
Your child will bring home their mid-year school report today, along with a letter explaining the change to the format. I know that having just had parent-teacher meetings, you will already be aware of what will be written in this report. Our teachers wrote these a few weeks ago, and much time and thought has gone into them.
We now break for two weeks of school holidays, and I know the staff are really exhausted (as are many of the students). School restarts on Wednesday 22 July for the students as the previous two days are teacher only days due to professional learning that is happening. I hope you all have a restful time, and manage to keep away from any colds and viruses that may do the rounds.
Next term we are resuming the whole school assemblies which will happen on the Fridays of the even weeks of term. We start with an assembly led by Year 3 on the Friday of Week 2, 31 July. On the weeks in between, some will be our usual singing assemblies, while others will be performance based to give our amazing groups an opportunity to perform for an audience. Parents will be notified when these are and especially if your child is in one of the groups for that day.
Have a wonderful holiday everyone!
Ngā manaakitanga
Sue Cattell