By Jillian Sommers and Ellen von Collas — Aug 8, 2019

In the previous Gardening Club news article (Term 2, Week 10) I said it was ‘the last Gardening Club of the year’. I meant ‘term’. Despite any confusion my error may have caused, we have had a really good turnout to Gardening Club this term, with many returners as well as several new members.

Last week, inspired by a salad that club member, Felicity Wright, made at home, we created our own salads. We used corn salad, rocket, fancy lettuce, spring onions, mandarins and grated carrot – all from our garden. We also made a dressing with our own lemons, some honey and olive oil. The only other items not grown at school were the grated cheese, cranberries and crispy noodles. Yum! Some children came back for 2nd and 3rd helpings. Everyone was able to participate in some part of the preparation, from picking, washing or chopping to eating, of course! What an awesome learning experience.

With Gardening Club being so popular we would welcome a few parents to help guide the children when planting, potting, digging, weeding, cutting, composting. If you would be interested to help on Thursday lunchtimes, from 12.40 – 1.30, please contact Jillian Sommers or Ellen von Collas.

We would also appreciate a strong parent or family member to help dig our bokashi into the compost bins. It would require a couple of hours once a week, at a time to suit you. It could even be on the weekend. Bokashi is the food waste collected from all the classrooms, covered with ‘zing’ and left to ferment. It forms part of the nutrient rich compost we use to grow our vegetables. If you’re interested in helping, please contact Jillian Sommers.