Hero photograph

FOMS Report

Admin —

The FOMS group would like to say a big thank you to all those families who came along to the Jump Event held last Friday. It was a huge success and so well received that FOMS will be looking at running it again during the next teacher only day in Term 4.

Last Thursday night FOMS met to discuss some exciting upcoming fundraising events to for Milford School to go towards the upgrade of the Year 3 and 4 playground. FOMS is a group of parents who get together once or twice a term to organise events that help fundraise towards improving the well-being of the school community. All parents are welcome at these meetings, and it’s a great way to get involved and have your say. So keep an eye out for the date of the next meeting early in Term 3.

Here are a few more images from last week's Jump event.The kids had a wonderful time, and we were so pleased with the turnout!