Tracye Eriksen — Oct 26, 2022

Our school library is an interesting place to be at lunchtimes. Books to read, games to play, a place to chill out and a place to be creative. Just before the school holidays, Tracye challenged the students to participate in the ‘Inktober Challenge’. Artist Jake Parker created Inktober in 2009 as a challenge to improve his inking skills and develop positive drawing habits. It has since grown into a worldwide endeavour with thousands of artists taking on the challenge every year.

This year Mina decided that she would take up the challenge with Tracye. And she has rocked it! Mina has followed the prompt list and has done and will continue, for the last few days of the month, a drawing every day of October 2022! Check out the photos from Mina.

Mina says ‘I think Inktober was a fun project and it was really helpful to improve my drawing skills. It was great drawing something every night and watching my drawings get better.

Well done Mina! You have done such a great job and I love getting to see you sketchbook fill up with fantastic drawings. Keep challenging yourself!