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Principal's Message - Energising Learning

Lucy Naylor —

At last a full week at school which has enabled us to crack on with learning, ignite the specialist programs relaunch many lunchtime activities and make exciting plans for the rest of the term including Waterwise, EOTC, Camp, Music groups, Surf Education, STEM…the list goes on!

While the week has been energising, it can be exhausting for some children. This is because there are so many things to learn and consider during the day, least of all engaging face to face and being around people.

I often hear from parents that the most angelic child at school can come home grumpy and argumentative or with an excess of energy built up through the day.

At school, we have regular pauses in learning. Sometimes, it is quiet reading time, 5 mins to chat with friends or a whole class mindfulness activity. Teachers find that allowing the child to sink into their inner world just for a moment helps them defuse stress and prepare to learn.

Transition times for children are just as important when they come home so that they can find their way of re-energising.

At school, they have been working hard, not just on their academic learning but physical activity and navigating the social and emotional world of school. While playtime is fun, for many, there is just as much learning going on as there is in the classroom - it is not necessarily downtime; navigating friendships, assessing social situations, problem-solving... is eating more important than playing? How do I join in the game? What shall I play today and who with? All quite exhausting!

I am not surprised that children can come home a bit grumpy and need to pause and stabilise their energy.

Children need "time out" from paying attention to others and their environment. However, they may use this time differently; some will spend time alone, perhaps in a fantasy world. Some will drop the guard they have employed through the day, feeling safe in their home. This may be seen in meltdown moments - a coiled spring being released.

Physical activity helps children disperse excess energy that may have built up from frustrations during the day. Unstructured play like playing with the dog or kicking a ball around will help them unwind, drop their defensive states and engage with their imagination.

Some children need to be nourished with hugs and outward signs of emotional connectedness. Some children like to chat about their day with someone older as this helps them "debrief" and "recharge their batteries". Some children rather not talk, and when you ask 'how was your day? You get a grunt in response.

So if your perfectly angelic child comes home irritable, grumpy and intent on irritating their sibling, perhaps they need a brain break, a pause to transition from the hectic school day to the calm of home.

Bike Safety
I have really enjoyed greeting the children on their way to school, and it is great to see so many riding their bikes. However, there are a number of students choosing not to wear their helmet.

A reminder that the school policy states that Each cyclist must wear a Standards-approved cycle safety helmet and have a roadworthy bicycle.”

Duty teachers will be reminding student of the requirement and children without helmets will be asked to walk to and from school.

We would appreciate your support to keep our tamariki safe on the busy roads around the school.

Year 6 Assembly – Friday 24 February, 2.15
Don’t forget that this afternoon you are invited to come along to the Year 6 Assembly. The children really enjoy having an audience, so come along and join in the fun.

Noho ora mai

Lucy Naylor
