Hero photograph


Louise Lavulo —

As part of the 'How we organise ourselves' unit, the Year 1 & 2 tamariki have had a lot of fun exploring their sensory systems and how our senses help send messages to our brain to help us learn.

We have explored some of the following aspects of our sensory systems in the past few weeks:

Sight- dark tunnel to crawl through, bright & colourful items, eye-tracking with feathers & bubbles
Hearing- music playing inside the wooden tunnel
Smell- pieces of fresh orange peel inside the wooden tunnel
Tactile- fluffy and rubbery sensory balls to throw & catch, bumpy balancing stones, lycra stretchy tunnel
Vestibular- dizzy giddy that helps with spatial awareness & to work out where our body is in space.
Proprioception- 'the floor is lava', ladder climbing, heel/toe walk on wooden shapes to help our brain know where parts of our body is to assist with balance and movements.

Check out some of the pikitia and chat with your child about what their favourite sensory activity was.