Melanie Dixon — Nov 21, 2019

On Wednesday 20th November, Milford School celebrated being a Gold Travelwise School with a special Walk your Teacher to School event. Students and parents joined Principal, Sue Cattell, and teachers on their walk from Milford New World to Milford School, accompanied by Sam Smith and Matt Sweetingham from Auckland Transport, who also brought their friend, Zara Zebra. We were very lucky to be joined by our special guests: police dogs Jango and Luca with their handler, Senior Sergeant Peter Peterson, who is the Officer in charge of Auckland dog section.

On arrival at school the students were offered fruit which had been kindly donated to our school by Vegeland Milford. The smiles on everyone's faces as we headed up to school together, was evidence that walking to school is a great way to start the day: it develops fitness, provides opportunities for children to learn about road safety, and it means less traffic at the school gate. With all the roadworks in Milford, the children walking probably got to school quicker than those in cars!