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Travelwise Report

Melanie Dixon and the Travelwise team. —

It is great to see so many people continue to embrace our Travelwise message, by leaving cars at home, even though the colder weather and rain has arrived. Being Travelwise helps reduce traffic at the school gates and is a healthy way to start or end our day.

Please ensure that your child is kept safe by checking that they know the road safety rules and that, if riding a bike or scooter, that they have a helmet and fluro vest.

Don’t forget we have free fluro vests for all those students who complete the cycle and scooter declaration form and return it to the school office. If your child already has a fluro vest please ensure that they wear it.

It's Wise to be safe and seen.

Sharing the road

Cycling is great fun and an excellent way to get around. Here are a few simple tips to stay safe when sharing the road.

  • Be aware – watch for car doors opening, potholes, rubbish, grates, and pedestrians. Always check for left turning vehicles.

  • Be predictable – maintain a straight line, use hand signals and a bell.

  • Be seen– make eye contact with drivers and pedestrians, ride at least one metre out from parked cars, and take the lane when appropriate.

  • Be safe – follow the road rules and choose the safest route.

  • Be bright – at night, use lights front and rear, and wear reflective items. You can find out the legal requirements for you and your bike here.

  • Be patient – slow down near parked or lined up vehicles, pass slowly and only when safe. On shared paths, slow down and use one ring of your bell to warn pedestrians before you pass, cycle with courtesy.

  • Be prepared – wear an approved helmet and check your bike regularly, including brakes, tyres, chain, lights, and reflectors.

Image by: pixabay.com