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PERTUSSIS/Whooping Cough

Sara Baker —

During winter, rates of Pertussis/Whooping Cough have been increasing.

Please read this information guide on keeping your children safe from this very distressing and dangerous illness.

What is pertussis (whooping cough)?

• Highly infectious disease caused by coughing & sneezing
• Caused by bacteria that damage the airways
• Can last up to 3 months
• Widespread outbreaks occur in Auckland every 3-5 years (the last was in 2018).

Who’s at risk?
• Can be very serious for babies and children
• Infants under 12 months at most risk
• Risk increases for those who are unvaccinated, or whose mother didn’t receive the vaccine during pregnancy
• Usually less severe for older children and adults but can still be very distressing.