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Room 9 Report 🌻

Jessica Vader —

In Room 9 we have been working on our Resilience Project books. We are practising the principles of The Resilience Project to boost our wellbeing: Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness!

This week we have been reviewing our emotional vocabulary and our
character strengths, then we started to identify the character
strengths of our classmates and friends.

Holly: "Thea has a character strength of being fair and honest because
she always helps out and tells the truth"
Pavitra: "Xanthe has a character strength of bravery because she
stands up for what is right"
Xanthe "Mrs Vader is a leader because she teaches the class really well"
Sasha "Mishel has a character strength of humour because she tells
funny jokes which always make me laugh"
Shaurya "Charles has a character strength of kindness because he helps
me when I fall over"
Alex "Hayden has a character strength of bravery because he doesn't
let his fears stop him"
Joshua "Holly has a love of learning because she always asks questions
to find out more".

Room 9 and Mrs Vader are all really happy to be back at school!