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Learner Profile Challenge!

Sara Baker —

I am happy to share this Learner Profile story for a student in our school who has been a RISK-TAKER, as well as a great Communicator and Reflective.

During the holidays Ben in Year 3 had the opportunity to push himself out of his comfort zone when we went ziplining on Waiheke Island. It was touch and go as to whether he would be able to do it as he was right on the edge of the minimum weight required. At the beginning he was very reluctant to do it and even said on looking out over the trees: 'This is the last view I am going to see before I die!' Very dramatic! Ben made a deal with his mum that she would go first and he would go after her. His mum is a bit of a risk-taker too!
Once Ben's harness was attached and everyone else was waiting for their turn, he had to resign himself to the fact that he was going to have to step off and just go. When he got to the end of the first run he was so excited and thrilled with himself and he got more and more confident at each run. In the end he was all ready to go back and do it all over again. Ben's mum was so proud of him and how he got over his fear, and trusted that he would enjoy it once he tried.Good on you Ben, you are indeed a real RISK-TAKER!