Hero photograph

ESOL Report

Gordana Stanojevic —

ESOL ZOOM classes are going really well. Students are excited to see their friends and share their lockdown learning experiences. They are balanced learners and do their best to not spend too much time in front of devices.

Melissa Kim has followed the instructions from one of the HOW TO VIDEOS shared in ESOL class and created her own desk organiser. 

In this project, Melissa has consolidated the learning from four different Units of Inquiry: Sharing the Planet (by using recyclable resources), How we Organise Ourselves (by prioritising and classifying items necessary for learning), Where we are in Place and Time (by using resources available at present) and How we Express Ourselves (by creating her own desk organiser) 

One of the most popular (and challenging) activities in our ESOL ZOOM classes are Picture/Drawing Dictations. Students are shown a set of instructions and are supposed to follow them within a time frame. This is a snapshot of a Year three class, and unfortunately, not all the students' work has been captured.

Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori has been celebrated in ESOL ZOOM classes. We have read stories from Aotearoa Life and Culture and enjoyed learning new words. We have made a list of Te Reo words in the text and translated them in other languages, too. Our students are very knowledgeable and open minded learners.