Admin - June 14, 2022
In Term 3, we will elect new parent/caregiver representatives to our School Board. Many of our current parent representatives will be stepping aside as their children have now moved on to higher education and we are actively looking for the next generation of Board members to take up the opportunity at TNIS.
With our diverse cultural identity at TNIS, we are keen to attract members from all cultural backgrounds to help better represent and engage with our learner population and community.
Do you work well as part of a team? Are you not afraid to ask challenging questions? Do you have good communication skills? Do you want to be connected to your wider community?
We welcome interest from anyone who is keen to learn more about what being a Board member entails and the unique opportunity that exists to shape the strategic direction of our school, please register your interest via email and one of our current Board members will be happy to discuss with you what being a parent representative involves.
Better still, come see for yourself, by attending our next Board meeting!
Please consider making a commitment to TNIS by standing for election to the TNIS School Board in 2022. It's a fantastic way to serve your local community.
Experience in professional services is sought, however not essential. Professional development is available to all elected Board members.
If you want more information, please email or contact current Board member Kirsten Nevile direct on 0211602911.