Sue Cattell — Jun 4, 2019

Welcome to the new newsletter format we are trialling. Our new format gives us the scope to include more photos and share more aspects of the amazing learning at Milford School. We also love the instant translate option! We do welcome feedback, so please let us know which parts you like or dislike and why. You can feedback directly to either Sam (in the office) or to me.

A huge thank you to those who voted in the Board of Trustee elections. It was great to see such a good number of responses. Congratulations to the 2019-2021Board – Michelle Liao, Meredith Webb, Carlee Paterson, Jeremy Quiding, James Brown, and our new staff trustee Bev Boyd. I am very excited to work with this board in continuing the fantastic work of the previous board. We are so lucky to have such amazing people put their hand up to ensure our school is the best it can be.

At the recent PTA meeting (another group of wonderful people), discussions were held on upcoming events so please look out for this information and lock the dates in your calendar. The fruity bags fundraiser was a great success, so thank you to all who purchased even one bag. An amazing effort saw some hard-working students sell more than 5 boxes each – a great effort! Not only does it raise funds for our senior playground, but it discourages the use of plastic bags at the fruit and vege section of the supermarket. Thank you so much!

This Tuesday we had teachers from Macau University visiting our school for the afternoon. Our student councillors did a great job of proudly showing them around the school, and the Macau teachers were very curious about how we teach and how our students learn. In our discussions with them, it was great to hear what they saw and what impressed them. They were in awe of our articulate and confident students. As they left, one of them turned to me and said, “My eyes have been opened”.

In the past week, we have also had our Auckland Transport liaison, Sam Smith, working with our Year 1-2 classes on road safety, and our Year 3-4 classes with scooter safety. Important messages that we hope our students remember when they are out on the footpaths.

Also, this week, the Year 1 students were treated to a morning with some special dogs who are trained to help the Department of Conservation. One of these dogs is trained to sniff out rats and mice, and another one, skinks. Exceptional dogs doing important work to protect our habitats.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Ngā mihi nui.

Sue Cattell
