Grant Arendse — Mar 1, 2022

The students in Room 11 had a lot of fun working on their Secret Summer poems. First we took a lovely stroll down to the lake to brainstorm all the sights, sounds and smells of Summer. Next we wandered back up to the field and found a shady spot under a tree to continue our brainstorming. Being outside was very inspiring! We then went back to class and wrote our poems, making sure to include lots of interesting adjectives and to do some editing once our first draft was completed.

After publishing on a chromebook, the next task was to draw a picture to accompany their poem. Students chose part of their poem to depict, while also thinking about where to place their poem into their drawing. It was a little tricky hiding their poem in their drawing, but they all persevered and did a fantastic job! They may appear to only be wonderful illustrations, but take a closer look and you will see the awesome secret Summer poems.

Check them out below!