Ellen von Collas and Michelle Clark — Oct 29, 2019

It is an awareness raising event, as part of our Enviroschool commitment to inform and educate the community about global issues.

Children will be invited to the hall in year groups to learn about Fair Trade, be informed by the posters from our schoolwide poster competition, ride the 'smoothie bike' and talk to a representative from AllGood Organics, purchase muffins, smoothies or banana splits made with Fair Trade ingredients. 

Children are encouraged to bring no more than $3 to school on the day to purchase an item or two. 

The money received will hopefully cover the costs of the event. Parents are invited to the hall from 3.00 - 3.30pm. There is also a fantastic Fair Trade Hamper basket worth $100 to be won. Tickets can be purchased every day until 15th November from Miss Clark in Room 7 or Mrs v.C. in Room 19. Raffle tickets are only $1 each. Winners will be drawn at our Fair Trade Friday event.