Hero photograph

Principal's Message

Sue Cattell —

Tena koutou katoa. We have had the most awesome day today as we celebrated the Graduation of our Year 6 students. In looking at how we could hold this, while mitigating risk, the Year 6 teachers put together a lovely celebration outside which was recorded for our parent community as they were not able to be onsite. The students were presented with their graduation certificate, a Milford School bear, and the traditional white t-shirt that they can have signed by their peers and teachers. We also provided lunch in the form of individual pizzas. I will really miss this group of students and, as I said in my speech to them, commend them for how they have navigated their way through the challenges of this year.

Next week, on Monday and Tuesday, your child will bring home the envelope with their class for next year and the stationery/school donations letter. This contains all you need to know to set up for next year.

School finishes on Thursday (16th December) at 12.30pm, so the children who come on Mondays and Wednesdays will have their last day on Wednesday (full day till 3pm). Those who come to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, will have their last day of school on Thursday but need to leave school at 12.30pm (not 3pm).

For those parents who are waiting for news about pool keys, we hope to have a decision early next week. The Ministry of Education are issuing specific guidelines on whether we are able to open it, and if we can, what rules we need to follow.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Ngā mihi nui
