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Newsletter: Term 4, Week 2

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Principal's Message

by Sue Cattell

Kia ora whānau. Thank you for the messages our teachers are receiving acknowledging them on World Teachers Day. They work extremely hard and often what they do is unseen. There is a lovely vibe in the school as they are feeling really valued and appreciated. A special thank you to the anonymous parent who had Delish bring in the delicious cupcakes. It was appreciated more than you would realise.

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Friday Pie Day Fundraiser!

by Admin

Help the Year 6’s fundraise towards their Year 6 Graduation event by ordering a Jesters Pie for your child’s lunch on Friday 4 November

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Reporting a Student's Absence

by Admin

If your child is unwell or going to be late, it is important to report this through the HERO app before 9am on the day. When done this way, the teachers will be able to see it when they go in to mark their roll. While you can also mark an absence through the school website, HERO is the preferred method as it speaks direcly to the roll marking system and therefore less chance of a message not getting through.

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LAST CHANCE TO CONTRIBUTE! 6th December is the final day! Age Concern Xmas Appeal

by Sara Baker

This year, after not being able to participate in 2021 due to lockdown, we are happy to announce we will again be supporting the Age Concern North Shore organisation to collect gifts and Christmas messages of kindness and recognition to the elderly community of the North Shore. Many of our elderly in the community do not have relatives or friends able to be with them each Christmas day, so with the gifts we collect, Age Concern provides a small gift hamper for many of these lovely people. Please help us and donate an item to our collection!

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Summer Pool Keys 2022/2023 Season

by Admin

Once again we are offering pool keys to our school families, for use of the school pool over the summer. The cost will be $170 plus a refundable bond of $30, once the key is returned ($200 altogether)

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Scholastic Book Club - Issue 7

by Admin

Catalogues were sent home this week, BUT if you didn’t get one don’t despair - please check with your classroom teacher or the office to get your copy. Orders need to be placed by Wednesday 2 November.

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Our Knowledgeable Learners

by Sara Baker

Melanie, Harper, and Emily came to share their learning with me this week. They have been learning about adding adjectives to their writing, in order to make it more interesting! All of the stories were able to build a picture in the reader's mind because they were so filled with fantastic describing words. A fantastic effort girls, you must be very proud of yourselves!

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Year 0/1 Learner Profile Attribute Certificates

by Beverley Smith

For the first 2 weeks of this term, we have been learning about and focusing on the Learner Profile Attribute of being a THINKER. Being a Thinker means that we use our thinking skills to solve problems. It also means that we think carefully and show initiative, and we make good decisions. The students who received certificates this week are; Emma and Zoe (Room 4), Grace and Zachary (Room 18), Aki and Isabel (Room 13), Maia and Everett (Room 14), Indi and Lucas (Room 15), Deborah and Caden (Room 16), Elliot and Lexi (Room 17). Congratulations to these amazing learners.

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Sharing The Planet

by Nirelle Armstrong

This week Year 3 enjoyed a trip to our local beach as part of our unit of inquiry on Sharing The Planet. During this unit, children investigated the importance of practising sustainability. Our trip to the beach was a great way of understanding the importance of looking after the environment around us. Below are some photos of our children enjoying the activities they took part in.

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Holiday Challenge

by Tracye Eriksen

Our school library is an interesting place to be at lunchtimes. Books to read, games to play, a place to chill out and a place to be creative. Just before the school holidays, Tracye challenged the students to participate in the ‘Inktober Challenge’. Artist Jake Parker created Inktober in 2009 as a challenge to improve his inking skills and develop positive drawing habits. It has since grown into a worldwide endeavour with thousands of artists taking on the challenge every year.

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Festival of Song

by Admin

Every year the Milford School students sing Christmas songs on the field while the parents sit on picnic rugs, drink and eat and enjoy the children singing. It is a highlight of the year and we haven't been able to do this concert for a couple of years, so the children are very excited to have it back! It is a wonderful opportunity to get to know people in the school community and to celebrate the wonderful year. Children wear red, white or green clothing. They start arriving with you at 5pm. The singing starts at 5.30 pm. Each year group will be performing, so put it in your diary!

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by Admin

Make term 4 the best one yet for your child! Our FUN and EDUCATIONAL LEGO® STEAM classes teach critical developmental skills to create future problem solvers and innovators!

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Community Notices

by Admin

Please note that the following advertisements are from external sources / businesses and are intended to be informative for the reader. This does not imply that they are endorsed by Milford School.

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