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by Miramar North School

Message from Vidisha

Miramar North School - July 5, 2022


Well, we definitely ended the term with a bang! Lots to celebrate and be proud of.

Matariki at MNS

Starting with the Matariki evening. What a fabulous community feel we had on the day and weeks leading up to the big event. Thanks to Sarah Mac, James and the Home and School team for organising such a memorable and successful event. Also, a big thanks to all of our wonderful tamariki, starting the afternoon off with their explanations about the stars of Matariki and their beautiful, strong Kapa Haka performance.

Our New Playground

After a much anticipated wait, the children finally get to play on the playground. We are still in the monitoring phase of our new playground and will continue to timetable the syndicates at break times. Classes are also going out during brain breaks for teachers to help guide and support the children.

On Friday 8th July a truckload of bark will be dropped off at the junior end of the playground. If you are able to help to spread the bark out before school, after school or even over the weekend, please bring a rake. This will ease Barry’s load of having to move the bark on his own. Thank you

Masks for year 4-6 children

Masks will continue to be worn from years 4-6 for the next term. This is keeping in line with the Ministry of Education guidelines as well as protecting children and staff members from the winter colds and flu that are going around too. We would also like to continue to encourage parents to wear masks on school grounds. 

Back to 3.00 Pick Up

Next term we will be returning back to the 3pm pick up. Like before, the bell will ring and children will be dismissed from their classes.

Finally, it was great that I had the chance to go around to all of the classes today to take photos and spend some time talking to the children. The staff have done an amazing job this term as well. I feel immensely proud to be a part of such a fabulous community here at Miramar North School. I wish you all a happy and safe holiday. I hope you are able to connect to loved ones in some shape or form.

