Hero photograph
Photo by Amanda Scott

Bird names and room numbers

Amanda Scott —

As part of our strategic plan, we have been looking at ways to develop our learning environment at Miramar North School. We have also been looking at ways to be more culturally responsive.

You may have noticed that each class has now got a vibrant bird picture printed outside their classroom.

Each class has been allocated a bird to represent their classroom.

We will transition from referring to our classes as room numbers to bird names over Term 4.

Room 1 Tīeke

Room 2 Pūkeko

Room 3 Weka

Room 4 Kākāpō

Room 5 Kererū

Room 6 Tauhou

Room 7 Korimako

Room 8 Ruru

Room 9 Tūī

Room 10 Kiwi

Room 11 Kōtare

Room 12 Takahē

Room 13 Kārearea

We will support students in the transition from traditional room numbers to native birds by:

*Referring to classes by their room numbers and birds, while everybody adjusts.

*Helping each class to become experts in their native bird, through learning facts about them and hearing stories about them.

*Doing an orientation quiz in buddy classes to help classes to learn the new names of the classrooms.