MNS — Apr 30, 2020

Board Of Trustees Newsletters can be found here.  

Board of Trustees

It is recognised that the Board of Trustees has the overall governance responsibility for MNS, but to enable our school to function effectively, the Board of Trustees and the Principal work together in a climate of mutual goodwill, respect, trust and co-operation. 

The Board of Trustees functions include:

Our Board of Trustees is made up of five parent representatives, the school Principal and a staff representative elected every three years. Meetings are held in the school staffroom at 7-30pm. These are open meetings and everyone is welcome, with community input invited for the first 15 minutes.

Board of Trustee Members:

Cherida Fraser - Acting Chair and Maori and Pasifika Liaison

Joyce Adam: Principal

Alistair Mason

Robyn Moriarty 

Jay Nielson

Alison Herft

- Board Secretary 

TBC- Staff Representative