Hero photograph
Photo by Sue Rotto

For parents of children turning 5 soon


We warmly welcome your interest in our school. We believe we are the best primary school in the Eastern Suburbs of Wellington and would love to show you why we believe so. Please feel free to visit us, we can take you for a tour and you are welcome to meet with the Principal. We know there are many questions which will need to be answered before your child starts school. We are here to support the entry of you and your child.


When your 5 year old child begins visiting our school, they will be taken either to the class they will be joining or they will visit an existing Year 1 class to give them an idea of what this looks like and feels like, if the new Year 1 class has not opened at the time of their visit. As children in NZ start on their 5th birthday, enrolments are staggered throughout the year and we look at our numbers carefully before setting the date for the opening of the new class.

These new class/es may not have the same level of ‘design’ as do our existing older classes- basically children enter it if they are turning 5 at that particular time. When children are older the classes are constructed according to age, special conditions and gender. Sometimes parent requests for a particular class are taken into consideration but only if there is a good underlying reason.


Your child's start date at school may overlap with school newsletters, class term letters, or general notices. The class teachers are given spare copies of newsletters or notices. Please do also ask the teacher or office personnel, questions like:"Is there any thing else I need to know?", "Are there any events coming up that I should know about? School Newsletters,Notices and Syndicate Term Newsletters are emailed to families and are posted on our website and app.