Hero photograph
Photo by Miramar North School

February 2023

Miramar North School —

Leader's Welcome Back Message

Welcome back to all of our MNS whānau.  It has been a wonderful start to the school year! It has been great to see so many smiling faces in the playground and settled classrooms. A huge thank you to all the staff for making the start of the year such a success.

It has been such a joy to be able to have more flexibility at the start of the year compared to the last few. We started by having a whole school hui to re-introduce our staff and welcome all of our new students. We welcome back Andrea Nonu as a part of our team. We will also be able to start buddy classes again. We will be introducing fortnightly whole school assemblies, look out for information about when your child's class will be running the assembly throughout the year.  We are looking forward to our trip to Scorching Bay and are in the process of finalising the arrangements. 

Main Entrance of the School:

We are excited that the driveway is now open and operational, there are a few finishing touches that still need to be done but you can now walk up the stairs and through the gates to get up to our school. We can't wait to get the children involved in planting with the landscaper as the next step. 

Few Reminders: 

If you have a scooter, bike or buggy, you can walk up the right side of the driveway. Please no riding on the grounds during school hours. We also need the area in between the staffroom and swimming pool to be clear at all times, especially in case of an emergency. You can park your bikes further along to your left if you like.   Car drop-offs in front of the school please and not up the driveway. Please also no parking on the yellow lines, even if it is just for a few minutes. When the children are doing road patrol, they need to be able to see further down the road to know when it is safe for crossing.  

Please make sure to pop in to see your child's teacher and introduce yourself if you haven't done so already. We look forward to a great term, we will be sending out syndicate newsletters next week with more information related to your child's learning in their syndicate.