Celebrating Term 2 in Room 2
Room 2
Room 2 had a big term, where we achieved a lot! We spent the first couple of weeks working on our wellbeing and looked at our emotions and worries then drew and wrote about these. We started the term off with a literacy focus on ‘The Bog Baby’ by Jeanne Willis. We used the story to look at sentence structure, adjectives and imagery. After this, we created our own Bog Babies and wrote about them and drew what they looked like.
In maths we have focused on addition and subtraction strategies this term, as well as diving into measurement and fractions. The highlight for the class was definitely getting to cut real food into fractions and eating it! In our Journeys topic, we have looked at where we come from in the world and focused on the different continents and the things that make them unique. We finished the term with a focus on elephants as a transportation mode and linked it to the literary journey of Elmer the Elephant’. We created our own milk bottle elephants which we papier-mâchéd and painted before glittering! They look amazing!