Hero photograph
Photo by Miramar North School

Term 3 - Digital Technologies in Kōwhai

Miramar North School —

We have spent the last couple of weeks of the term learning about Computational thinking for our digital technologies learning and connecting our learning of position and direction for maths. We have learnt all about algorithims, coding, debugging in lots of different ways, plugged (using devices and technology) and unplugged (without digital technology).  

We mixed all of the children up into different workshop groups, the Coders, Creators, Tinkers and debuggers. All of the teachers took a different workshop from coding a dance, using Botley robotics and learning to code on scratch! 

We learnt all about co-ordinates, compass directions, using google maps to follow directions to our houses and even played battleships! 

It's great to give the children opportunities to mix up in the syndicate in the lead up to preparing for class lists for next year.  Teachers can observe children and how they interact with each other as well. 

What a fun way to end the term.