Habits of Mind
Vidisha Ishver - August 11, 2017
Habits of Mind (Art Costa www.artcostacentre.com/html/habits.htm) are but one component of a larger field. They connect, complement and support many other ideas. The Habits of Mind occupy an important part of a much larger field. Broadly speaking, the Habits of Mind contribute to the field of study that seeks to understand what makes people successful in school, work and life.
Howard Gardner describes intelligence as the ability to produce something valued by society and describes eight intelligences that fit this definition. Daniel Goleman describes Emotional Intelligence and breaks this into five essential elements of emotional self -awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills.
By these definitions of intelligence, the Habits of Mind are the dispositions required to behave intelligently - intelligent behaviours - in order to produce something valued by society or exhibit mature emotional Intelligence.
Teachers at MNS have received on-going training over a number of years with Karen Boyes. Karen has taught us how to integrate these HoM into general curriculum as well as behaviour management programs. http://edtalks.org/video/making-habits-mind-meaningful