Hero photograph
3 principles of Universal Design for Learning
Photo by Joyce Adam

Meeting Additional Needs @MNS

Joyce Adam —

Inclusive Education

The Miramar North School community is diverse and includes children with many different backgrounds, abilities and challenges. Our school strives to maximize the potential of all of our children and looks to ensure that programmes are designed, structured, and delivered so that they take into account each student’s unique learning characteristics and access to all appropriate support. We use the principles of Universal Design for Learning to guide our decision-making.

See this link for more information on the Universal Design for Learning Principles.

Our Inclusive Education Policy is currently under review and once the draft is complete, it will be linked to this document for your feedback.

Inclusive Education Coordinator at MNS

The Inclusive Education Coordinator (IEC)* at Miramar North School is Rachel Waters. The key roles of the IEC are to:

  1. Ensure all teachers and teacher aides in the school understand their responsibilities to children with **additional needs.
  2. Advise and support colleagues.
  3. Ensure parents are engaged and that their insights inform action taken by our school.
  4. Liaise with professionals or external agencies.
  5. Keep up to date with professional development

*The IEC in many schools is known as a SENCO.

**Additional Needs at MNS are defined as: A professional diagnosis which means the curriculum or parts of the curriculum need to be significantly adapted for learning to occur.

If you believe your child has significant additional needs that may make it difficult for them to access the curriculum e.g. reading, writing, maths or behavioural concerns or activities which require physical coordination, let the school know that you need to speak with the teacher or the IEC.

So that we can begin our inclusive practices as soon as possible, here are two flowcharts that may help when communicating with the school. 

If there are emerging concerns or if there is already a formal diagnosis on entry to Miramar North School, the process is as follows:

Inclusive Education: flowchart for new students — Image by: Joyce Adam

If the emerging concerns or the formal diagnosis occurs during your child’s time at Miramar North School, this is the process:

Inclusive Education flowchart for existing students — Image by: Joyce Adam