Hero video
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Announcement - Aotearoa New Zealand's histories & Te Takanga o Te Wā.
Video by Ministry of Education NZ

New Zealand Histories Inquiry Term 4

Miramar North School —

Me tiro whakamuri, kia anga whakamua. If we want to shape Aotearoa New Zealand’s future, start with our past.

We have a new element to our Social Sciences curriculum which is all about teaching New Zealand History.  As a part of our Kahui Ako teacher's have had PD into introducing the new curriculum.  This term our connections inquiry will be about NZ history. 

Our big ideas are: 

Māori history is the foundational and continuous history of Aotearoa New Zealand. Māori are tangata whenua. They were the first people of this land and have stories about their origins and arrival.

Relationships and connections between people and across boundaries have shaped the course of Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories. Tangata whenua are deeply connected to the local area. Naming places was key to establishing and maintaining mana and tūrangawaewae.

Many of the names of geographical features, towns, buildings, streets, and places tell stories. Sometimes there is more than one story.

We are also looking at our 'local curriculum' and events that have happened in and around the peninsula. Investigating street names and learning about the land (how Miramar was once an island).  On the 5th of November is Parihaka which we will be learning about in our classes too.   

The week starting on November the 7th we are also connecting our Athon to Te reo and Maori tikanga.

If you have any information related to anything local and our history, please share with your child's teacher.  Any help in accessing our local iwi would be great as well!