Hero photograph
Photo by Miramar North School

Meet the Kōwhai Teaching Team 2023

Miramar North School —

We have an amazing bunch of experienced teachers in Kōwhai this year and we each bring our own strengths and skill set to our syndicate and classrooms.  Each teacher is a part of leading a curriculum or area of the whole school and together we make the most fabulous, vibrant and energetic teaching team. 

Vidisha Ishver - Room 1 Year 3/4 Teacher - Deputy Principal (Head of Kōwhai, Assessment & E-Learning)

Bubbly, Friendly and Kind.

When I am not at school I enjoy hanging out with my family and I love building and exploring nature with my two sons. I love to read and am a bit crazy at buying books, new and old. One day, I might even be able to own my own library! In my teaching, I really take the time to get to know my children to help them grow and learn. I believe that it is vital to build children's confidence so that they can take risks and try new things in their learning with support and guidance along the way. I love teaching creativity, digital technologies and exploring children's curiosities. 

Rachel Waters Room 2 Year 3/4 Teacher (Head of Inclusive Education SENCO)

Kia Ora Koutou. My name is Rachel Waters and I teach Year 3 & 4 in Room 2. I have been teaching at MNS for seven years and love working with junior students. One of my goals is to encourage students to develop a genuine and lifelong love of learning. I live on the Miramar Peninsula and love exploring our beautiful coastline on the weekends with my husband and children. I can sometimes be spotted enjoying a coffee at Chocolate Frog! This year I am continuing taking on the role of Inclusive Education (SENCO). I am looking forward to a year full of industrious learning and growth with the wonderful children in Room 2 and their whanau - I know it will be full of creativity, discovery, kindness, fun and laughter!

Debs Ferrier Kerr - Room 3 Year 3/4 teacher (Head of Music, Kōwhai Support Leader)

Kia ora koutou, my name is Deb Ferrier-Kerr and I have been teaching for over 20 years. I work in Room 3 job sharing with Melanie Kesry, take music across the school one day a week and help to manage the Kowhai Syndicate. I am passionate about the arts and culture. I believe anyone can sing, draw or paint and so everyone should have the opportunity to do so. I love to teach literacy, unpicking the text and playing with words. I seek to help children believe in themselves and realise their own potential. When I have spare time I love to work in my large garden, walk by the sea with my dog - Ragtime Willie, create music and food with friends and read biographies. I look forward to our learning journey in 2022, ngā mihi.

Melanie Kesry - Room 3 Year 3/4 Teacher Kōwhai (Maths and Science leader)

Supportive, kind and a good listener. I love spending time with all our children in Kowhai and learning alongside them. Getting outside for games, sports and exploring is the best! I love using technology to help us with our learning. I love seeing smiles and laughter in our classrooms. I enjoy walking with my gorgeous spoodle around the hills and beaches and I am always on the sideline at sports matches with my 18 year old twins. Sharing cups of tea with my friends at a beach cafe brings a smile to my face! I am looking forward to another fun and exciting year in Kowhai.

Hannah Newell - Room 4 Teacher, Positive Behaviour for Learning Leader,  NZEI Representative. 

Kia ora, This is my second year here at Miramar North School, having taught Year 2 in Room 12 last year. I'm looking forward to being part of the Kowhai team this year and teaching in Year 3/4 again!

In 2011, I visited Aotearoa (from England) for my OE and never left! I live in Karori and taught in Karori for 10 years before moving to MNS.I love teaching New Zealand Sign Language, using te reo Maori in my classroom and reading books by my favourite authors!In my free time, I am a Brownie leader, and I enjoy tramping with friends, going to the theatre and playing games

Janine Kleinsmith - Part Time Teacher

Patient, Friendly, Kind. Kia ora koutou, my name is Janine Kleinsmith and this will be my second year working as a part time teacher at Miramar North School. I am excited about getting to know our students and encouraging them to be the best they can be. I believe a happy learner is a good learner. With a background in teaching, journalism and library work, I am creative and passionate about teaching literacy. When I am not at school I enjoy spending time with my husband and two teenage boys. We enjoy hiking, cycling and travelling. During term time you will often find me on the sidelines of football or basketball games! I am really looking forward to meeting you all and to a fun and productive year ahead. 

Melanie Young - Teaching Assistant 

Kia ora koutou, my name is Melanie Young and I am excited to be part
of the Miramar North School whanau as a teacher aide in Kowhai. I
have been a Miramar local for 9 years and prior to that I spent 10
years living in London. Wellington has always been home though, closer
to family and the beaches!

With my friendly and approachable nature, I endeavour to create a fun
and supportive learning environment for both teachers and students.
'Practice creates confidence. Confidence empowers you', is a wonderful
quote and something that I encourage students to embrace during their
learning journey.

When I’m not at school I enjoy baking, pottering around in the garden
and spending time with my husband and two children.