Hero photograph
Photo by Amanda Scott

Term 3 Reflection

Amanda Scott —

Our People, Our Place - How can we share our learning?

Last term Pōhutukawa focused upon the design process in preparation for our design exhibition. Students learnt that people create art because it is a form of self-expression, storytelling, communication, social cohesion, cultural identity, and therapy. The aim of the term was for students to share their opinions, influence public opinion to bring about change, share a story, or express a theme focused on our learning throughout the year.

It was fantastic to see so many of you come and visit the exhibition and get so many wonderful comments which we shared with the students. Here are some of their highlights of the term:

“I really enjoyed getting to go on the Road Patrol March because we got to see lots of other schools and we got to walk on the road. There were lots of different chants and police officers everywhere. I also enjoyed going to the floorball tournament because our team was always smiling and our coach was so encouraging.” Andrew

“I enjoyed getting to do our art project in class. I also loved designing the taniwha for our exhibition! It was so fun and I love designing different things.” Amelia

“WOW was a really good learning experience because it was fun but you are learning a lot. I learned to sew, paint, and make paper mache.” Cato

“Floorball was a super exciting experience for everyone, even for those who have not played before. Going to the tournament was a great way to get involved in a new sport.” Zoë

“The best thing that has happened this term is our design art because I get to spend time with my friends and create and design. The second thing I enjoyed this term is road patrol training for year fives. There are lots of rules and you have got to be nice and loud and clear. The last thing I enjoyed about this term is Calendar Art. It was hard because we had to do lots of copies until we found the right one for us. I enjoyed it because I love colouring and it's a fun way to calm down and let your mind have a break.” Chloe

“My first thing is Project Jonah because it was really interesting and fun. Secondly, calendar art because I didn't have to add much colour. Thirdly was my wow project because it was super fun and I was really proud of what we made. Fourthly and finally green screen filming because it was really fun and I learnt a lot.” Johnny

“My favourite activities we did this term were when Mina from Project Jonah came in. It was so cool I learned heaps. I learned how big a Blue whale is; it's huge and bigger than the hall! We also learned what to do if we found a beached whale or dolphin. It's such a helpful thing to learn. I also enjoyed WOW. It was fun to spend time with your friends and to be able to create these amazing outfits. Our outfits were based on the moana and what is happening to it now during pollution. They are so creative and all of the different outfits throughout Pōhutukawa were all so different and they all told different stories. Finally I enjoyed doing Calendar Art. I enjoyed it because we all got to do a piece of art that represents us. We did a silhouette of something that shows who we are and a landscape for the background. I personally enjoyed it because I love art and for me it was fun because I got to spend a lot of time on something I love to do.” Pippa