MNS Day of Play
On Tuesday, 7 March we had our MNS Day of Play.
There was great excitement when the Bouncy Castle turned up (just in time) and tamariki were amped to have a turn.
Our morning began with timetabled turns on the bouncy castle, while classes did sea themed activities in their classrooms. After morning tea, we did a whole school Discovery Time, which was just the most amazing sight with older students playing with younger students (tuakana-teina), activities were set up right across the school including nerf gun shooting at targets, music making, jewellery making, bubbles, dress ups, lego and all the outside games, including the bouncy castle!
We ate our 'picnic lunch' together as a school listening to music and then in the afternoon we did a scavenger hunt around the school with buddy classes.
We finished off the day with a kapa haka song and ice blocks. This was a day which really showcased our TIKA values and what a cool school MNS is!
A big ngā mihi maioha to Tessa Rogers and her team of organisers, the parents who came to help, Home and School for organising the ice blocks and all the staff and students who made the day so much fun and successful.