From the Board of Trustees
Kia ora koutou
Board of Trustees elections are coming up in September, and we will be putting out a call for nominations in July.
The Board of Trustees sets the strategic direction and policies for the school and has a role in overseeing school finances, property decisions such as the school playground, health and safety and reviewing student achievement information. There is support and training for board members from NZSTA.
BOT will need some new members this year, so please consider standing for election. A full board has 5 parent representatives, one staff representative and the principal. If you would like more information, please email
The Board would like to publically acknowledge and thank all the staff of MNS for all the extra effort they have put it to teach and care for our tamariki during the Omicron outbreak. As we move into winter, we are seeing an increase in other viral illnesses, all of which can create challenges for our classrooms! Please continue to keep your children home if they are unwell to help stop the spread of winter illnesses.
The next Board meeting is June 20th starting 6pm in the staffroom at MNS – the first 15 minutes is open for community consultation, so please come along if there is something that you would like to discuss with Board.