Vidisha Ishver — Mar 19, 2020

The following values are taught, modelled and integrated into our curriculum as well as through our wider community engagements. They were decided upon after consultation with our community and children. The image above was designed and created by a group of year 6 leaders and their families.



Celebrating diversity/difference/uniqueness is showing that you value yourself, others and the things around you. Respect is listening to others and respecting their choices.


Holding yourself beliefs at your core is doing or saying the right thing even if it’s hard. It is being honest to yourself and others.


Buddy learning/peer support is being responsible for your own actions, learning and belongings. It’s making good choices and people will know that they can depend on you.


Showing perseverance is trying your best and not giving up when things get hard. It is being prepared to take risks and following through with what you set out to achieve.


Celebrating diversity/difference/uniqueness is accepting each other’s differences and giving everyone a fair go. Building relationships is the key to creating connected person-hood.


Cooperating/working together is working towards a common goal by playing your part.


Being helpful, caring and considering other people.

Click on the photos to view our Maori and Samoan values that were also created in consultation with our MNS families.