Belinda Campbell — Sep 29, 2022

We have so much to celebrate during this term. As well as having the most amazing children and community we also celebrated the following: 

- Kowhai Arts Exhibition 

- Pohutkawa Camp 

- Rimu Māori Language Week and Swimming! 

- A great Home and School Team 

- A committed staff team throughout all levels of the school 

And, we have a new board with wonderful strengths to support the direction of our school. I know you’ll join me in wishing them all the best in their governance role. 


We’ve consulted you in a number of different ways this year. The next item on our consultative agenda is the Health Curriculum; specifically Hauora-Well Being. Please click on the following link to have a say in the design of our curriculum. 

Community Consultation: Health 


We are a couple of weeks away from sharing a new look website. Whilst we will keep the better features of the website, the newly designed main page will make finding and accessing information so much easier. We will of course check in with you after you’ve had time to explore! 


The Employers Assistance Program has put out a flier with some great ways we can build resilience. We thought it would be nice to share this with you.

Have a safe and happy holiday. 

Ngā mihi Joyce