Hero photograph
Photo by Monrad Tirohanga

Covid-19 Update for Whānau (Friday, 18 March)

Matt and Lewis —

Wiki 6, Wāhanga 1 (Week 6, Term 1)

Level 2
Some tamariki are learning at kura, and some are learning offsite. Kura remains open for tamariki of whānau who are essential workers or cannot provide appropriate supervision. 

# Cases
46 active
11 recovered

# Tamariki in Isolation

# Kaimahi (Staff) in Isolation

On Monday 21st March (next week), most of our akomanga (classrooms) will be back at kura learning onsite. If your tamaiti has been issued with a device for online learning, please ensure that these are returned on Monday. 

Returning to Kura
90% of our staff are returning next week, and we encourage our whānau to send your tamariki to kura. However, if you choose to keep your tamariki at home during this time, we ask that you please advise the kura. Distance learning online will only be available for the following classrooms. 

Maraetarata (Room 1)  and Te Kōpūāroa (Room 17)
Next week Maraetarata (Room 1) and Te Kōpūāroa (Room 17) will continue distance learning online at home. We anticipate that your tamariki will be able to return to school learning onsite on Monday, 28th March. We will advise you next Friday what the arrangements will be.

Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs)
We have a limited supply of free Rapid Antigen tests available for whānau upon request. Email Ms Mon at mcollier@monrad.school.nz or call the office. RATs will be sent home with your tamariki, or you can arrange a contactless pickup.

Contacting the Kura
Please continue to advise the kura and isolate for seven days if your tamaiti or someone in your household tests positive for COVID-19.