Hero photograph
Photo by Jon Clark

On Friday September 2nd we are raising money for School Camp with a sponsored Fun Run.

Matua Jon —

The Fun Run will take place on a planned course at school that includes obstacles and challenges along the way. Here's what you need to know about the event.

On Monday 15th August each student were issued with an official Sponsorship form and money bag. We are encouraging them to get out among their community and whanau to seek sponsorship either by the lap or as a lump sum. All money collected will go towards that student's camp fund. (We would ask that any money raised beyond the $195 camp fee is donated to help other students to enjoy the camp experience.)

The run (or walk) will last from 1.30- 2.30 pm and fancy dress is encouraged. There will be spot prizes, music, and a few surprises along the course. Participants will also be earning house points as they complete their circuits.

Following the event, we are giving everyone a week to collect their sponsorship money and bank it at the school office. There will be major prizes for our top three earners and a pizza lunch for the room with the highest sponsorship average.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone out there having fun and earning a great school camp experience for themselves.