Matt and Lewis — Mar 17, 2022

Wiki 8, Wāhanga 1 (Week 8, Term 1)

Level 2
Some tamariki are learning at kura, and some are learning offsite.

# Cases
69 active
73 recovered

# Tamariki in Isolation

Returning to Kura
Poutoa (Room 12), Pukeamohau (Room 14a), Tirohanga (Room 14b) and Kōpūānui (Room 15) will be returning to kura on Monday 4th of April. We are looking forward to seeing our tamariki back at kura learning onsite.

Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs)
We have access to Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) for whānau. These can be sent home with your tamariki, or you can arrange a contactless pickup by contacting Miss Mon at

Support Packs for Whānau
If you or whānau require support packs that include kai (food), hygiene and rongoa, please contact Miss Mon at When you request a support pack, you will need to have the following information in your email.

1) Adress for delivery
2) Contact number
3) Number of tamariki and adults in the household
4) How many people in the household are positive for COVID-19
5) Which pack/s you would like (Kai, hygiene, rongoa).

Contacting the Kura
Please continue to let us know if your tamaiti or someone in your house tests positive or if you require any other tautoko (support). If your whānau requires financial assistance because of the impact of Omicron, click on this link to see what assistance may be available to you.