PB4L Team — Oct 22, 2022

PB4L newsletter info.

Positive Behavior for Learning

We are a PB4L school, and this is about creating an environment where positive things happen, and students feel safe and nurtured. Our kura environment allows learning to thrive and flourish, with students being rewarded for displaying our school values.

Monrad Mana: One of our core values at Tirohanga is Mana - from our Akonga perspective this is about valuing themselves and Tirohanga, our Kura. The school uniform our Akonga wear is apart of recognising and upholding the value of Mana. As we head into our last term of learning we have noticed some students wearing items of clothing that do not belong to our uniform. Here at Kura we use our daily precorrects to help direct our students' thoughts and remind them about our uniform. It would be awesome if at home you could also reinforce this message about wearing our correct Monrad Tirohanga uniform with Mana and ensure they arrive at Kura correctly dressed. Thank you.

Celebrating our Akonga:

This year Puawaitanga will be held at the Distinction Travelodge Hotel Central

Date: Thursday 8th December 2022 5 pm - 7 pm.

Positive Behavior for Learning is what we are all about!

Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui!