Hero photograph
Photo by Mount Aspiring College


Mount Aspiring College —

Use these resources to access helpful information about how things work at MAC.

Parent and Caregiver Handbook
Campus map
Canteen orders
Careers guidance
Contact us
Jobs at MAC
Kindo payments
Leave application form (for students)
School policies
Term dates

Please let us know about sickness/appointments/late arrivals/other absences from school at: absence@mtaspiring.school.nz

general enquiries: fees@mtaspiring.school.nz
financial hardship: fees@mtaspiring.school.nz

Lost property
A large lost property bin is located in the front foyer of the college gymnasium where items can be collected. This bin is emptied at the end of each term and any unnamed items are taken to Wānaka Wastebusters.

Have you moved or are you planning to move?
We are required to have your correct physical address on file. If you have moved recently, or are about to do so, please email office@mtaspiring.school.nz to supply the updated information.

MAC newsletters
Need to refer to a recent newsletter, or something from the archive? Click here to access to all previous newsletters.