Hero photograph


Newsletter Editor —

Community notices and updates can be found here.


If you wish to have your say on removing the sale of vaping products from dairies and convenience stores, the following is an open letter sent to schools with links to two petitions supporting this:

My name is Charlotte Christie and I am a mum to a wonderful 14 year-old boy who attends a public high school. As we are all aware, and what has been seen on recent news, children as young as 6 are accessing vaping products and using them on school premises and within our community.

According to statistics from a recent Asthma Foundation survey, 20% of students are now regular users of such products and they are mostly accessed from local dairies and convenience stores. This is an alarming number of young people exposing themselves to potentially harmful toxins and chemicals with effects not yet known.

These products often appear to be the target for the extremely staggering amount of ram raids and crime that is being committed by some of the young members of our community. 

I have started two petitions to remove the sale of vaping products from dairies and convenience stores, so parents and caregivers can have a say and we can rally together as a community to put a stop to the negative behaviour and severe health effects that has been, and continue to be, prevalant in our school system and societies.


And https://www.change.org/p/remove-disposable-vapes-from-dairies-and-non-specialist-stores?recruiter=39669955&recruited_by_id=87879df0-4c0a-0130-bd59-3c764e048845&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=petition_dashboard

There is also a Facebook page that anyone is free to join to find resources, share stories and experiences and to support the cause.https://www.facebook.com/groups/vapefreekidsnz

Thank you for your support. 

Charlotte Christie

WASTEBUSTERS WORKSHOPS - Low Waste Living Households

Do you want to learn more about how you can reduce your household waste and save money doing it? Wastebusters is excited to introduce its brand new workshop series - Low Waste Living Households.

The workshops will be jam-packed full of loads of plastic-free swaps and alternatives, tips for successfully and affordably refilling and shopping, delicious low-waste recipes, handy bathroom swaps plus effective ways to reduce your food waste.

So come and join Wastebusters for a fun, chilled night out sharing ideas and getting inspired.

Tickets are $10 which include yummy low-waste snacks and nibbles for the evening.

Wānaka 6pm - 8pm Tuesday 24 May at the Wānaka Community Hub

Tickets are available from https://events.humanitix.com/low-waste-living-workshop-with-wastebusters-wanaka

Lake Hāwea 6pm - 8pm Tuesday 30 May at the Lake Hāwea Community Centre

Tickets are available from https://events.humanitix.com/low-waste-living-workshop-with-wastebusters-hawea


Image by: Mount Aspiring College


Can you provide a home away from home? The opportunity to live with a local and to truly discover Wānaka for a hardworking athlete?

Become a Host family this winter and welcome an international athlete into your home. Athletes arriving in August and September.

If you are interested in hosting, please contact Flick at race@wanakasnowsports.co.nz


Environmental Guardians Programme - Grounded

Are you interested in conservation and sustainability? Do you want to encourage people to save the planet? Facilitated by experts in education and environmental studies our Environmental Guardians Program will explore areas of environmental issues that have meaning to them such as; native biodiversity, water quality, air quality, plastic waste and climate change. As a member you will help to create conservation projects and initiatives while collaborating with other local groups such as WAI Wānaka, exposing youth to the latest environmental solutions.

When: Mondays 3:30pm – 5:00pm (during term time)

Starting: 1 May - 26 June, meet at The Crib, 11 Russell Street, Wānaka

Cost: $35

Upper Clutha Youth Council (UCYC) (11 - 17 years)

Founded in 2015, the Upper Clutha Youth Council (UCYC) was created to be the voice of The Upper Clutha Youth. Meeting regularly, the members of UCYC discuss methods in which they can implement positive change throughout the community as young people, for the benefit of young people. Activities and philanthropy include the Matariki Festival, The Colour Run, BBQs, school expos, Bluemoon parties and much more! Every meeting you are provided with refreshments. Joining UCYC is FREE and if you are a young person attending Grades 7-13 (10–18 years old). Speak to your Chairperson to sign up!

When: Tuesday 3:30pm - 5:00pm

Where: The Crib,11 Russell Street,

Term price: FREE

Hustle 3 May -21 June (11-17 years)

Hustle is an interactive afterschool programme aimed at encouraging youth to get active by participating in alternative sports and activities. Past activities include sailing, banana boating, mountain biking, orienteering, soccer, baseball, zorbing, boxing, bowling, golfing, archery and much more! Sign up now.

When: Wednesday 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Where: Different locations within Wānaka

Term price: $75.00

Hoiho Adventure Club (Female Gender) 4 May -29 June (11-17 years)

Kahu Youth's Adventure Clubs are one of our longest running programmes. The programme's aim is helping to foster new friendships, build self esteem, try new activities, and learn how to operate as a team all while having fun. At the end of each term the groups combine for one large activity.

The Hoihos run on Thursday's after school during term time and are female specific. The activities include; rock climbing, futsal, swimming, movie making, paintballing, sailing, kayaking, cooking, group cinema trips, games days, biking, arts and crafts and youth led activities.

Term 2 will start the second week of school (4 May) but you can sign up now. It run until the last week before the winter holidays. Sign up for Hoiho's 9 weeks of fun activities!

When: Thursday 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Where: Picked up from MAC at 3:15pm

Term price: $150.00


The 2023 Cardrona x Treble Cone Local Child Season Passes are now available to purchase online by following the link - https://secure.cardrona-treblecone.com/s/local-school-child-season-pass/p/local-school-child-season-pass-2023

Year 1- 8     $155 

 Year 9 –13  $225

We hope to you out there this season!


3 Peak Season Passes for Coronet Peak, The Remarkables and Mt Hutt are available for enrolled students in the Wānaka community.

• You can purchase online – up until 31 May 2023. NZSki will manage the eligibility audit directly with eligible local schools.

• From June 1 purchasing only at town Snowcentre (corner Camp and Shotover St) or by phone 0800 697 547, in this instance you will need to bring/supply evidence of enrolment at your school.

Primary School Passes

Secondary School Passes

• Children 5 and under - ski free. Please use this link for any 5 years and under as at 1 June 2023

Any questions please reach out to NZSki via info@nzski.com or call 0800 697 547.

Image by: Mount Aspiring College